Author: hedgehog

Syrnyky (cottage cheese pancakes)

Syrnyky (cottage cheese pancakes)

In Ukraine, cottage cheese is quite popular and appears in lots of recipes. One of my favorites is cottage cheese pancakes, or as we call them, syrnyky.Syrnyky can make a nice breakfast or a dessert. They have a sour-sweet taste and an incredibly soft texture. 



Beets are very versatile. It`s a vegetable, from which you can make both soup and dessert. And also it has an impressive nutritional profile. Here are some of the benefits: beets contain more iodine than any other vegetable or fruit they store a lot of 



Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable full of vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of fiber, protein, and calcium. Rich in antioxidants it helps to prevent certain cancers, heart disease, and some other chronic conditions. 1 cup of broccoli (91 gram) contains 31 

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Here will be a site about cooking – mostly tips and useful information, and also some of my favourite recipes. But I’m still working on it, so be patient 😉 See you soon!