Hi, my name is Julia. At the end of last year, I decided to make a site about cooking.
The reasons were the most common. I enjoy cooking. It is the connection with my late father – he cooked amazingly. I wanted to help someone else start cooking. Because cooking is great, food is life, and blah blah blah.
It took some time, but the site was created and I started filling it. But then everything changed.
You see, I am Ukrainian. On February 24, 2022, our country was attacked and now is the third week of the war. I am writing this at my home in Kyiv, and I don’t know what will be tomorrow. If there will be a tomorrow. Right now is an air raid alert. Yes, this is my life now.
And it seems very strange to describe how to cook eggs or the nuances of choosing quality oil for frying. It’s hard to enjoy cooking when you’re trying to whip up something quickly between two air raid alerts and in the dim light (we try to stick to blackout and barely turn on the lights). Although compared to Kharkiv or Mariupol, Kyiv is still not so bad. For now. At least we still have electricity.
I don’t know if anyone will ever read this. Maybe I’m writing this just for myself to remember. My sister says we must be strong and continue working despite all enemies’ efforts.
But I… The third week I can’t breathe normally and eat mechanically. Some “joy of cooking”.
And yet I want to leave something here. My favorite recipes, the most delicious staff I have ever cooked. Just place them in the depths of the Internet as a keepsake with hope for some brighter times.